Russian forest

Forest edge.Oaks and maples.
 Mushrooms and berries are a vigorous spirit.
 There are no paths, the grass is high.
 Sometimes swamp, sometimes sedge.
 Build fly agarics under the old Christmas tree,
 Carpet of pine needles, no longer prickly.
 One cuckoo-another echoes.
 The magpies are arguing loudly with each other.
 And in the clearing-the glitter of cobwebs,
 And then-thickets of hazel.
 And somehow languid, and somehow dark.
 And then it's scary, and then it's creepy.
 There the house of the frights,the devil lives there.
 There among the fallen trees of the bald spots.
 And the bell there makes eyes.
 The beginning of life, the beginning of a fairy tale...
