Shards of memory

Shards of memory draw your eyes.
 And to hell with it, solitaire doesn't add up.
 And again the nights pass without you,
 The balance of my destiny is broken.
 Me nothing, my all takes away,
 Fate is a villain, my sworn friend.
 A blow to the heart, every day rivets,
 Everyone laughs at the futility of attempts.
 Who am I? And where is my happiness?
 Where did it go, and where can I find it?
 The longing arms the soul tears apart,
 What can I come to in the end?
 There is no love, my friends far away,
 I've never made anything in my life.
 And time my pain unfortunately is not a cure.
 I'm like a lamb, obviously for slaughter.
 I close my eyes and feel my way forward,
 Like a mermaid-pain, every step.
 Perhaps this is all natural,
 After all, in my life, I'm just a fool.
