Caravan of melodies

 The music row opened,
 Notes sounded all in a row,
 Chords in the sky flew away -
 They talk among themselves.
 The band followed them
 And pipes twisted beautiful Shine.
 And drums and bows,
 And all the guitar pegs,
 Hitting a fraction of the soul,
 Broke the old cliche.
 And I, with the awakened soul,
 Under the music for the dawn was,
 Then he sang something just said
 He also made music.
 Gardens endless rows
 Narrowed somewhere ahead
 And rested against the clouds,
 Where music is always easy,
 Bringing with him the conductor -
 A gray-haired old man with a stick.
 He's like the biblical Moses,
 Drove a stick like a wedge of geese,
 Melodies smooth & nbsp; caravan
 And musicians like the Gypsy,
 Where the thunder is like a drum,
 Where the light of the heavenly lands is.
