I m scared

I'm afraid you'll always kill my holiday.
 I'm afraid that for three days I will fall out like a puzzle.
 I'm afraid there's a piece of you embedded somewhere inside.
 I am afraid that time does not heal and does not want to heal.
 I'm afraid my new life won't start so easily.
 I'm scared that I haven't become smart and grown up.
 I am afraid that I will never rise free.
 I'm afraid I'm still dying of love.
 I am afraid that my family and friends will suffer.
 I am afraid that I will be betrayed by a unicorn, innocent.
 I'm afraid these calls will finally stop.
 I'm afraid, because this is how I find out about your death-happiness.
 I'm afraid that somewhere a monster has enjoyed my blood.
 I'm scared, here and now. I'll change my number tomorrow.
