You made a heavenly angel

You made a heavenly angel,
 With wings, voice, body.
 Admired him, admired him,
 He confessed his feelings.
 Brought it to him in the early dawn
 Coffee cool with a cigarette.
 At night wondrous-pillows of the Magi
 Only from star fluff and dreams.
 And all the glitter from the dry sheets
 Collected & nbsp; for rainy nights.
 You snuggled up to him in your sleep,
 He stroked the wings on his bare back.
 But tormented by the question super heavy:
 Is my angel sexless?
 And all in lips wanted to - kiss,
 With love-to-have - and-give...
 And when they are weary from impotence -
 Cut off - in a dream-his wings.
 David Slater-Given To The Winds
