Where do the titmice winter

Again, - not wisdom failed,
 And "What did you catch them? Then caught"? -
 Tit, - in the hands of & quot;uklala"?!
 While the crane ran,
 And Hottabych? With a beard,
 Was? Where did you get into the bottle,
 Did you get it? - Not that, - gray-haired?
 " Where is the hair? Deval"?!
 With fish? Danced in the Seine?
 Where's grandma?& nbsp; for grandfather?!& nbsp; On the trough
 So! Remembering their youth, they moaned: -
 & quot;do not heal the Crack"?!
 Of otitis media? "No, in the pot?" - Don't smear,
 With vision? - Not broken off,
 "If what? - In glasses zalazhu",
 Yes and to the heart reached,
 I'm not sick for my health, -
 Up there, above the Ground, -
 On our exhale and shave
 A wedge in the sky cranes,
 And the tit? Cho tit? -
 " No kurlyk? No scope"!?
 She had to pay for it -
 In " hands, on the hat, Yes in the shirt"?
 A & quot;weightless Cape'l"?
 So then, by flying - & nbsp; crane'l!
 Tit then? "It didn't break!"
 "Under zhuravlinym was Shimovolos"!
