Все просят снега у Зимы

Everyone asks for snow from Winter.
 And I, a little, too.
 So that when we Wake up in the morning, we,
 Suddenly they were younger.
 Dropped their adult style,
 From the holidays pills.
 And from the pantry brought
 With a creak of the stool.
 Climbing famously on it
 No panic or pain,
 Long forgotten the trash
 Pulled off the mezzanine.
 There's a stick, a sled, and skates —
 Kid's wealth.
 Ball, homemade flaps,
 Remnants of hooliganism...
 File, grandfather's vise —
 The edges of the blades are sharp.
 Though the pouts are already tight,
 It's not too late for the ice.
 Let the age of impetuosity be cruel.
 All we need is ice and snow.
 To, as in childhood, on the rink
 Run after the puck...
