
don't try to persuade me to forgive fate!
 "I won't forgive you!"
 and the past all let go
 "where do you want me to go?"
 where to go? why itdy?
 what is the meaning of life?
 or, as shit, on life swim -
 where not serious... ??
 no one will give me back the year,
 to give birth,
 no one will let me love you,
 to dream and yearn,
 to stay awake,
 to with favorite barefoot
 in the grass walk...
 "and you tell me I'm sorry."..
 "why forgive?"
 the unfulfilled can never be recreated,
 broken never mend,
 why would fate, then, to forgive?
 - what would be easier to live!
 "what's easier to live for, and for what?"
 when you are not in the Universe,
 no one is waiting,
 and not being able to accept,
 all alone...
 - a can temper it is time to humble -
 went to the dressing room,
 you can't blame your own fate -
 that sea of tears!
 "Yes, I can't cry,
 why frighten...
 when you just didn't live -
 not to frighten...
 "I will not forgive my fate,
 I don't care -
 when I wasn't loved -
 she didn't live,
 and without love and sense there is no,
 nothing came true, nothing came true,
 I wasn't...
 02.01.2020 G. 14-30
