Closing your eyes, you re back here with me

Closing your eyes, you're back here with me,
 But in reality only the coldness of indifference...
 And now, a little more, and I'm in your captivity,
 And I'm angry that my heart is burning to the point of indecency.
 Where are you and with whom?" Jealous, but will let it pass,
 More than once I pass these lessons,
 And I entrust my life as if to an executioner...
 But who will answer for the pain of the soul?
 Of course, there is no need to cry, to be angry,
 It's better to just enjoy life!
 And again Wake up cheerful in the morning,
 After all, the lonely path has long been understood.
 There are no alarms in it! There is work for the soul.
 Not everyone is given a great love.
 All these feelings are difficult to drown out,
 But I'll teach myself by clenching my fist.
 And again I sink into the pool of eyes...
 Your, seemed, accurately forgotten.
 But I will remember them, probably, more than once,
 My soul is transparent and open.
