The End of Microbity

The end of Microbity

Chapter 1. The Session

— Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to greet you to the 28th Congress Of The Big Association Of Microbes.
I didn't want to take you away from your duties, but the current situation of the habitat is very tense. Our planet called “The Human” shook a number of cataclysms, and a group of British scientists ... By the way, where are they?

Two skinny infusorias pulled the flagella up:
— We are here, Mr. Chairman.

— ...а group of British scientists, – The Chairman continued, – forecasts an aggravation of the situation.
— Yes, yes, aggravation, – the infusorias nodded.

— So as to back up this reaffirmation with supporting evidence, I give the floor to the president of the colony Helikobakter. He will fill you in.

Threatening swinging his flagella in all directions, Helikobakter climbed to the podium. His thick green body nervously quivered.

— This night, my colony was shaken by a terrible stomach shaking, accompanied by a vomiting tsunami. For twelve hours we were constantly shaken and wallowed out of the stomach. I demand to identify those responsible and punish them!

— A pardon, but why do you believe that someone is responsible? –  asked Staphylococcus. –  That’s a force of nature. Uncontrollable element! The antibiotic wiped out E. coli last week, there were such farty sounds that we had heard in our nasopharynx.

— Our gastric shaking is quite another matter! These are Communist intrigues. Why didn't the lamblis come to the congress? Very suspicious.

— They were pressed in the large intestine, they could not get out. Sent a microbogram, – the chairman replied.

Adjusting the silk scarf, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis wistfully moved from her chair.

— Dear Mr. Helikobakter. You were warned, sit quietly. And you? You made an industrial revolution in the stomach. You broke the physico-chemical composition of the medium and now wonder about the consequences.

— No one's talking to you! – сrowed the Helikobakter, – Sit in your lungs and do not get up. Brainiac turned up!

Mikobacterium was offended back in the chair.

— That's what I do! I sit, I read Schopenhauer, I raise my cultural level, reveal that which is wise, good, eternal... Just the likes of me will save Microbity from a technological disaster.

— Ladies and gentlemen, let’s not get personal, – raised the voice of the chairman, – Let’s hear what the scientists will say.

The infusorias were joyous stirred up with flagella.

– Yes, yes. We'll tell you now. In short, there have been natural disasters on the planet recently, which we have never experienced before. The abnormal decrease in temperature in the colony of demodex led to the extinction of the species. Lamblis in the gallbladder suffer from heat and unprecedented drought. Staphylococci in the blood collided with unprecedented chemical compounds, which make its composition completely unfit for life. Tornado and tsunami in liquid media collapse colonies and destroy Microbity.

The chatter of the assessors filled the hall:

— So what should be done with all this? How can we be saved?

— We carry out researches and make measures and calculations, – the infusorias reported.

— I know, it's communists! – Helikobakter jiggled with his flagella, – Or Jews! They want to flush us out of the Human and seize power. The intelligence reported that they were developing microbiological weapons and personal protective equipment. We have to lock them up and destroy!

— Mr. Helikobаkter, I think your version is untenable. – the Chairman spread his arms.– We will check it, of course, but ...

— And why no one asks “Why?” – there was an invisible voice.

— What is the “Why” guy? – Amoeba stirred on her chair. – What do you mean? And who are you?

Microbes rose from their seats to look at who speaks, but there was no one in the hall except them.

— The Voice of the Mind that you do not want to hear. – the invisible voice became slightly louder. – All you think about how to save your skin. But none of you sees a causal link between what you do and the consequences.

— Another brainiac, – the Staphylococcus snorted,– Yes, enlighten us. Very curious.

— Everything comes from your ignorance and consumer attitude to the Human. And he is alive.

The assessors laughed.

— What? Human being alive? Ha–ha–ha!

— The Human has not only a physical body, which you torment, but also a soul and a mind. He thinks and feels.

— The Human cannot be a living being, – scientists-infusoria stirred flagella, – it is completely contrary to scientific worldview. It has long been known that The Human is the habitat of the Microbity. Source of food and no more. He can not be a living organism, even more thinking.

— You do not see further your flagellas. You are deaf and blind, your hearts are callous and dark. You exterminate useful bacteria and plant evil. Instead of benefiting the Human and living with him in peace and harmony, you are producing infection and illness. It is not surprising that The Human eventually began to destroy you. (but) You don't understand it any other way.

— You know what you say is very interesting. – the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis has entered the conversation, looking back in search of an invisible interlocutor, – but I confess that I did not read anything like it from Schopenhauer.

— Knowledge was given to Microbity repeatedly. Through highly evolved microbes that came to The Human with a mission to open your eyes to the real world. The Supreme Mind tried to convey the truth to you, but every time you got rid of the messengers. You burned them, stoked them, put them in prison and mental hospitals. Now comes your day of reckoning.

The Chairman rose from his chair and went to the podium.

— I think Mr. Invisible, that your words are the highest degree of disrespect for Microbity and for Big Association. These are stupid inventions and an attempt to take away valuable time from us. Where are you hiding? Come on out and stop this circus!

— To prison him! To single cell! – Helikobakter evilly rubbed his flagella.

— It's time for Me to come back. – the voice became quieter. – I remind you for the last time. What is happening to the Human now is just the beginning. If you do not change the way of life, the Microbity will completely be destroyed. There is almost no time left. Farewell.

The voice was eclipse and silence came to some brief moment in the hall.

— Well, what will we do with this information? I think that something needs to be done, –  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis said.

— Oh, Mycobacterium, you are so naive, – Staphylococcus stretched, smoking a cigarette, – it is clear that it is not the Voice of the Mind, but someone's a joke. "Human BEING ALIVE" – have you heard something more absurd? How did the guard let the madman come here?

— I Suggest pretending that we have not heard anything. – the Chairman rose from his place. – Betty, take away the last two pages of the protocol.

— It Seems that the time for lunch has come, – Amoeba pulled on her seat. – Maybe we will order sushi?

— Yes, it seems that there is nothing to discuss here, – the Mushroom of Candida nodded. – I have a cheese filling, please. And more sauce.

— I declare a lunch break, – the chairman said. – Hunger breeds hallucinations, and we need to make a constructive decision.

— I fully agree, Mr. Chairman! – Helikobakter responded happily. His thick green body rather pulsated.
