
In the town of Munchin-Broten,
every single Fall
people held a baking contest
for the big and small.

So, one time Elaine McMiller
thought she'd win a prize:
flour, yeast plus salt and water.
Now the dough will rise.

Just before the dough was ready
for the baking pan,
bold Elaine thought that she would make it
look just like a man!

But as soon as it was ready
for the oven's heat,
her creation seemed to wiggle
both its hands and feet.

Then it said: "My maker-baker,
please don't bake me yet.
Add a pinch more yeast — and pronto!
you will win, I bet.

You can pour it in my belly,
then just watch me grow.
I will make you very famous.
You will steal the show!"

When he ate the yeast, he started
growing very fast.
He was bigger than a table
when he stopped at last.

"Thanks for dinner.  That was lovely. 
But I want dessert.
Hand it over, or the baker
might, perchance, get hurt..."

Poor Elaine was shaking-quaking,
as she got the yeast.
Gulp and chomp — the swelling glutton
weighed a ton at least.

"You can call me Yeastie-Beastie,"
said the monster now.
"I would like to try some other,
better-tasting chow.

You, my friend, are quite a morsel. 
Don't put up a fight.
I won't swallow you — I promise,
I'll just take one bite." 

Even though Elaine was cornered,
she did not lose heart.
Yeastie-Beastie was humongous,
but Elaine was smart.

"If you have more yeast," she uttered,
"you'll be quite a sight.
With a bigger mouth you'll surely
take a bigger bite."

So the greedy Yeastie-Beastie
ate up all the yeast.
"Burp!" he said.  "I'm getting bigger. 
What a smashing feast!"

As his head went through the ceiling,
she said: "I'm in luck!
You can never catch me, Yeastie,
'cause you're good and stuck."

But the Yeastie-Beastie sniggered,
growing more and more.
When the house was all in pieces,
he began to roar:

"Oh, you thought you'd trick me, did you? 
You were having fun?
Now, the joke's on you, my baker. 
Can you laugh and run?"

Through the yard and down the alley
dashed Elaine in fear.
She could hear the Yeastie-Beastie
huffing very near.

It was hot: the sun was searing
everything below.
This made running very sweaty
and each step too slow.

When she saw a park with banners
looming far ahead,
from behind she caught a whiff of
yummy baking bread.

"I will catch you," laughed the Beastie. 
"It is only right
that I get my long awaited,
promised, luscious bite!"

But he ran a bit more slowly. 
Once he even fell.
What pursued Elaine was something
like a bready smell.

In the park the Yeastie-Beastie
slowed down to a walk.
As she peered at her pursuer,
chimed the city clock.

Thrice it chimed, and she remembered
what was going on:
Munchin-Broten's baking contest
on the park's main lawn.

When she ran up to the judges,
they exclaimed: "First prize!
We have never seen a bread man
of such giant size."

True enough, the Yeastie-Beastie
was already done:
he'd been baked while he was running
in the scorching sun.

So Elaine McMiller gathered
all her baker's might,
eyed the crust of her creation
and took out a bite.
