Peter Pan OR Drunk Man

I’ve slept so long without you,
But do you know now I’m Аwake?..
The Rain – is just Dew… I should say: “Adieu”…
It all was Mistake. I’m sleeping awake…

It was the only my endless Dream,
You were part of my Imagination…
I’m stuck in the standard error stream;
My Mind – is your usual location!..
You can’t see the walls again –
I’ll give you my hand!
You’re just a Drunk Man…
“Don’t hide your head in the sand”…
Let’s meet at night, in the moonlight;
Oh darling, please, hold me tight!..
You’re “Peter Pan”, and it’s your last flight.
I loved, when you genuinely smiled…

So let’s, damn it, go,
Where we’ve never been before!
We’re in the time of our youthful glow,
Hey, but my dear, I want more!..

You live inside me,
Right here – in the Chest;
To my heart you have the key…
In Peace we will Rest…
19:30-19:55; 30.08.19.
Иллюстрация авторская: 2017 год.
