The life on the top of World

From toys to toys
with these loathsome binge spendthrifts,
drunkenness and getting mad
our social life has locked in perfect dead-end,
and no one knows
and seems even not trying
to understand, explain the nature
of such tailspin
which is pulling down
all of us,
our minds, souls and identity
into total and unavoidable crashing
and personal and national catastrophe.
No one knows and asks seriously
how get out from such tragic falling
for every one of us and whole country
and all these so artificially and so stupidly
creating tradition of national crashing
happening on the eve
of fast coming Global Warming,
much more real, serious threat
danger number one for all of us and Earth 
than all these stupid toys combined together,
pf course, Kyrgyzstan
luckily accommodates on highest mountains areas,
which is why no reason for worrying about
sea level gradually uplifting.
So eat, drink, cut down all our forests,
graze yours so intensively eating
sheep, horses and others agricultural livestock’s
multiplying them again
on the total destructed pastures,
until come the time when nothing left
where you can graze and what you can cut and eat.
That is motto, style of life and it logic consequence
from our honorable elite, government parties
that is inspired and enslaved our entire nation
and lead it through all these years
of our freedom and independence.
