Hallelujah to poets and to the first snow!

Hallelujah to poets and to the first snow!
They are both impressive in their abstraction!
To the absolute hearing, access to womb
They are equal without any station disruption.

In my soul I chose path without commodities.
God will give everything, since someone is in need of.
You just sing and don’t wait - you will get secretly
In your personal cut a draft as a reciever.

And the calmness of Spirit is Afflatus key.
Outcome and result, with the ancient conjunction.
What knows no oblivion you've given to me,
Because it has heen stored in abysses like castles.

Spheres in multitudes, voices of megalith,
Many cameras in brain that store all registration.
And I go again - in direction of Thee,
In the soul's labyrinth to the springs by Secretion.
