Стихотворение на хинди. Пер. Дипти Гупта, Индия

Талантливая поэтесса, доктор, профессор из Индии Дипти Гупта обратила внимание на мое стихотворение "Деревья и листья", и красиво перевела его на свой великий родной язык хинди. Выражаю огромную благодарность ей за красивый перевод.

The talented poetess, doctor, professor of India, Deepti Gupta, drew attention to my poem "Trees and Leaves", and beautifully translated it into her great native Hindi language. I express my deep gratitude to her for the beautiful translation.

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Trees and leaves

Trees are no longer able
to hold the burden of yellow leaves?
Or the leaves don't want anymore
to be in the arms of trees.
Their relationship is very fragile.
No one and nothing can save
their love
For separation is inevitable ...
Just yesterday they were
bloomed, bore fruit,
and were green
from bliss ...
Trees seem
created to
to remind people
their existence ...

;;; ;;;;; - Original Poem

By : Rahim Karim Karimov

Translated by :

Deepti Gupta
