Liliputin in German -2305

Wer Falschmuenzer fuer eine bare Muenze nimmt, wird bald bankrott ... "
Adolf Berger

jemand, der Falschgeld herstellt, Geld faelscht

etwas fuer bare Muenze nehmen 
etwas (meist: Unwahres) glauben
etwas ernst nehmen

umgangssprachlich; Diese seit dem 18. Jahrhundert belegte Wendung bedeutet eigentlich: eine zugesagte Zahlung bereits als baren Besitz ansehen. Diese Gleichsetzung von Wort und Muenze ist nicht isoliert zu sehen, vielmehr hat sie eine lange Tradition. Bereits in der Bibel wird an verschiedenen Stellen die Sprache mit Metall (Erz, Silber, Gold) verglichen. Biblisch ist auch die Redensart "Worte auf die Goldwaage legen"
Von Lukrez stammt die Wendung "goldene Worte".
Ovid, Plutarch, Lukian und andere antike Autoren haben das Bild der "Wortmuenze" gebraucht, so dass sich ein ganzes Bildfeld "Wortschatz" ergibt, dem im Deutschen (wie in anderen europaeischen Sprachen) eine Fuelle von Redensarten, Vergleichen, Sprichwoertern und Begriffen angehoeren. Muenzen und Woerter werden "gepraegt" bzw. "geschlagen" (Schlagwoerter, Slogans). Sprachen ver- und entleihen wechselseitig "Lehnwoerter", um damit ihren "Wortschatz" zu vergroessern. Wer etwas verspricht, "verpfaendet



 Info  Von Duden empfohlene TrennungBank|rottAlle TrennmцglichkeitenBan|k|rottBeispielBankrott machen

Zahlungsunfaehigkeit; Einstellung aller Zahlungen [eines Schuldners gegenueber seinen Glaeubigern]
Beispiele-den Bankrott erklaeren, anmelden, [kurz] vor dem Bankrott stehen
-;in uebertragener Bedeutung:; politischer, geistiger Bankrott
Wendungen, Redensarten, Sprichwoerter-Bankrott machen (1. zahlungsunfaehig werden. 2. scheitern: er hat mit seiner Politik Bankrott gemacht.)

The experience, Adolf Burger would later recall, was like being “corpses on holiday.” Imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp north of Berlin, he was detailed to Operation Bernhard, a massive Nazi plot that relied on concentration camp inmates to forge British currency.

The fake bank notes — a total of more than 130 million pounds — were to be dropped by Luftwaffe airplanes over England in an attempt to upset the British economy. Although ultimately aborted, the top-secret plan, unknown at the time even to the camp commandant, is believed to have been one of the largest attempts ever at financial sabotage. “It was a forgery factory,” said Margaret Shannon, a Washington-based research historian who collaborated on a book about the episode.

Because the scheme depended on the labor and skill of inmates — craftsmen, bankers, at least one professional counterfeiter and book printers such as Mr. Burger — the prisoners received some special privileges, such as the provision of blankets, civilian clothing, cigarettes and extra food. But they knew that at any time they might be killed, and it was only amid the chaos as the Allies advanced in 1945 that they escaped execution.
“In a way, it was worse than Auschwitz because we knew for certain they were going to kill us because of what we had done,” Mr. Burger later told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
Mr. Burger, whose account of Operation Bernhard was later dramatized in the Oscar-winning Austrian film “The Counterfeiters,” died Dec. 6 in Prague. He was 99. The Associated Press reported his death, citing an announcement on the public broadcaster Czech Radio. The cause was not immediately available.
Mr. Burger was born on Aug. 12, 1917, to a Jewish family in Velka Lomnica, a village in what was then Austria-Hungary and is now northern Slovakia. Trained as a typographer, he did his earliest counterfeiting as a member of the Communist underground, producing false baptism papers in an effort to help Jews survive persecution.
The experience, Adolf Burger would later recall, was like being “corpses on holiday.” Imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp north of Berlin, he was detailed to Operation Bernhard, a massive Nazi plot that relied on concentration camp inmates to forge British currency.
The fake bank notes — a total of more than 130 million pounds — were to be dropped by Luftwaffe airplanes over England in an attempt to upset the British economy. Although ultimately aborted, the top-secret plan, unknown at the time even to the camp commandant, is believed to have been one of the largest attempts ever at financial sabotage. “It was a forgery factory,” said Margaret Shannon, a Washington-based research historian who collaborated on a book about the episode.
Because the scheme depended on the labor and skill of inmates — craftsmen, bankers, at least one professional counterfeiter and book printers such as Mr. Burger — the prisoners received some special privileges, such as the provision of blankets, civilian clothing, cigarettes and extra food. But they knew that at any time they might be killed, and it was only amid the chaos as the Allies advanced in 1945 that they escaped execution.
“In a way, it was worse than Auschwitz because we knew for certain they were going to kill us because of what we had done,” Mr. Burger later told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
Mr. Burger, whose account of Operation Bernhard was later dramatized in the Oscar-winning Austrian film “The Counterfeiters,” died Dec. 6 in Prague. He was 99. The Associated Press reported his death, citing an announcement on the public broadcaster Czech Radio. The cause was not immediately available.
Mr. Burger was born on Aug. 12, 1917, to a Jewish family in Velka Lomnica, a village in what was then Austria-Hungary and is now northern Slovakia. Trained as a typographer, he did his earliest counterfeiting as a member of the Communist underground, producing false baptism papers in an effort to help Jews survive persecution.

As the Allies closed in, the counterfeit operation was moved to camps in Austria, first Mauthausen and then Ebensee, where cases of the money were thrown into the waters of the Alpine Lake Toplitz.

Germany never managed to deliver the counterfeit money to England because of losses sustained by the Luftwaffe, Shannon said. Some of the bank notes were used to pay German spies and informants; others made their way to fleeing Nazi officials and, after the war, to refugee workers spiriting Jews into Palestine. The counterfeit cash was of such high quality that the Bank of England removed from circulation all notes worth more than 5 pounds for two decades.

Mr. Burger settled after the war in Prague, where he reportedly ran a taxi company. He wrote several memoirs, including one translated in English as “The Devil’s Workshop: A Memoir of the Nazi Counterfeiting Operation.”

That volume inspired “The Counterfeiters” (2007), directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky and the recipient of the Academy Award for best foreign-language film. The movie, which took liberties with the historical events, explored the morality of inmates working on behalf of the Nazi war effort.

Responding to the film, Malkin once said that camp inmates had no choice and that it was wrong to suggest that they did. He also urged caution in the reading of Mr. Burger’s memoir, which Malkin said was drawn in part from unreliable, postwar East German sources, and which Malkin regards as incomplete because Mr. Burger was brought into Operation Bernhard two years after it began.

Mr. Burger’s second wife died in the early 2000s. He had three daughters. A complete list of survivors could not be confirmed.

Mr. Burger spoke frequently with students about the Holocaust and was interviewed along with other survivors in the book “Taking the Stand: We Have More to Say,” by Bernhard Rammerstorfer.

Mr. Burger expressed conflicting emotions about his experiences in the counterfeit operation. In 2007, he told Haaretz, “the important thing was to survive. We didn’t care about the others in the camp. I did not sell my soul and was not a hero. I worked in order to survive.”

But two years later, speaking with the Telegraph, a British newspaper, he said that “of course it was terrible and I think we all felt guilty about it.”

“All I can say is that we never forgot what was happening outside our huts,” he said, “and we knew that one day we were going to be like everybody else.”

