I ll carry you in my arms

I'll carry you in my arms
Whichever law isn't written again
We're animals and we want to live in cage
And reform won't help for sick brain
While people look at each other like wolves

Light that sparkles in hopeless sky
Don't get into heart if it dirty anger
Spring won't sparkle with emeralds in gardens of lie
And love doesn't break into where said goodbye

Run away from someone else's help by closing your eyes
Afraid to lose the status among inhumans beasts
It's better to burn yourself at bonfire than be dishonored
Pride blinds, other torment won't bothered

Now only your hand is important for lead morale
Your eyes are important in battle behind my shoulders
The river of life becomes wider and I approach to canal
Main thing that you stay if they don't let me into paradise
If the wind will continue to crushing us
Breaking life, will someone stay with me for twice?
To pave the way through broken fates

When I taming fear at night in snow-capped deserts
I'll wait for you, let my body breathe cold
I wont survive alone, I must protect somebody
Otherwise, what's the meaning of the life for still hold?
I look at the stars, and I don't feel need for breathing
Love stories won't be written in dying world
And timid happiness will go to other people's lands
While we will value myself more than others
But I don't want that anymore

I'll carry you in my arms through the rocks and fords
I'm sick to mix my blood with muddy air
The sun in you and the power to change the worlds
You only one who noticed my face in mask of despair

Александр Бесов (Студницын) "1999-****"
