Your name, my first beloved. Песня

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I'm struggling growing all hell seeds
In weeds
To smoke them and for cutting down
Your leaves.
You're a precious goddess masterpiece
I need to quit to think of you.
It is
The strongest heroin.
Your lips
Are in my thoughts
Forever and alive.

Alice,my first beloved
Please don't forget my eyes.
I need to die with knowledge
That I won't fade away
In castles of your mind.

I'm sleepless.I need therapists,
I'm leaving trace of blood.Please,honey,
Call police
Or kill me, it won't harm your skin.
Death needs
Dried on the wind weak souls.
It is
The end of life for those who liked  the lies.
It leads
To sacred place which we have left aside.

Alice,my first beloved
I shouldn't dramatize.
I need to cut the feelings
You should be happy now
That's what I pray tonight.

The funeral is not for joking
This ray of hope,this blody freshy
Don't leave to starve,please give me one
Last kiss
And this is final chord. Why are
The trees
All stabbing with the sticks and sigh?

I won't forget
Till sun explode
Your name is my delight.
