Wait for me and I will come

Вольный перевод "Жди меня, и я вернусь..." К.М. Симонова

Wait for me,
And I will come,
Only wait for me!
Wait, when yellow rains soon come;
Wait, when trees are green.
Wait for me, when it is cold;
Wait, when it is dark;
Wait for me, when they forget,
That I didn`t die.

Wait for me,
And I will come,
Only wait for me!
Don`t wish a lot of harm
People, which`ll forget me.
If my mother soon forgets,
If my son forgets me –
Promise me, that you`ll believe
In return, my angel.

Wait for me,
And I will come,
Only wait for me!
Please, my baby, don`t cry
And believe, believe.
Don`t drink with all my friends,
Know, that I am alive.
And be stronger, if, my love,
If I don`t come.

Wait for me,
And I will come,
Only wait for me!
I believe, that you still love,
You still love and live.
I believe and know, that you
Never will forget me.
Know, my baby, I love you!
Wait for me, my angel!
