Running away from love

When I looked up to the stars,
And wondering where were you,
I pretended the dream of us-
A fairy- wish to be with you!
We could hold hands,
Give kisses, hugs-
I felt you'r almost mine,
Until you mentioned word of love
In unapropriate time!

When you said 3 simple words-
I love you-
I wasn't ready yet
To hear those words from you!
I needed some more time
To figure out what to do?
What to do?
The only thing I knew
Was run away from you!

I'm sorry, but I was confused,
Didn't know what to say,
At first I thought
Your' playing games
With me day by day!
I didn't want
To hurt your feelings,
By saying:"I am not!"
Wich wasn't truth,
I loved you always
Deep down in my heart!
