Thanks, EMN

Hello, everyone, may I have your attention?
I hope and believe in your comprehension
We are all attracted to this wonderful place
Here we talk about love, God and grace
I know you have held so many events
So I would like to leave some comments

Kevin goes first, no offence, let me start
I must admit you are genuine and smart
At first your name reminded me of minions
You really come up with well-grounded opinions
I get goosebumps, it’s almost like freezing
This is what I feel when you start your teasing

Shaye knows a lot how Google works
Together we had those fancy talks
You like taking selfies, your favourite thing
Don’t ever stop it, you know what I mean
Remember, you brought cakes made by your wife
I’ve never had anything like that in my life

Jodie is a Texan American guy
You have something special, I will tell you why
You want us to think and ask many questions
Maybe give a synonym, a cognitive connection
Movies that you showed, other culture samples
Are all most shining, exhaustible examples

Cliff is a man from the Garden State,
I don’t think we ever had a serious debate
Geometry and algebra for you a lot of fun
Thus you are able to teach anyone
You know how to make people happy and laugh
You show that you choose to follow God’s path

Holly, among you is the only girl
The guys must be dying because of your curls
I wish I could see the way you dress up
You have inner talent to smile and cheer up.
You are into soccer, a basketball coach
Coping with things with your unique approach.

I apologize, excuse my language pranks,
All I want to do is to say my humble Thanks
I wish you the best, and glad we have met
This is the thing, I will never forget
I hope my words do sound sincere
English Movie Night, you made my year!
