My tummy beast

Hello everyone, it’s Lucy!
Her smile is wide, her lips are juicy.
Please meet my little tummy beast,
Sometimes she likes to have a feast
On chocolates, candies, marmalade
And wash it down with Gatorade.
To make her happy, cheery, full
One shouldn’t offer a Red Bull.
I know it’s a weird creature,
However, she has useful features
Her body makes her very quick
She moves around in a click.
Her tongue is of a pure perfection,
It catches food from all directions
Besides her legs have spongy grease
To suck in any slice and piece.
No matter standing, lying down
It’s not her style to gobble things down.
She goes crazy when she sees
A bowl of steaming hot chickpeas.
With lentil soup she goes nuts
And trembles from her legs to heart.
She is the one you want to meet
She always shares what she eats
Pineapples, pastries, power bars
Have not caused problems so far.
Although she’s not a fan of meat
A veggie burger would be neat.
She’s fond of different kinds of food,
As long as it is fresh and good.
Her favourites are pizza, pasta,
A salad she would eat with gusto,
As well as houmous and meatballs,
Lasagne, noodles, sushi-rolls.
Whenever I have time to bake
She dips in my delicious cakes.
She has her weaknesses, of course
I must admit she’s using force
If it’s too early for a meal
She’s toying with banana peels
And snacking on a lot of stuff
Like Lays, Estrella and cheese puffs,
And also cookies, cashews, prunes.
She’s making me lick plates and spoons.
But yes, my beast is very humble
However she can whistle, grumble
But not when we are at the store,
She’s patient when it’s food galore.
And when nobody is around
She can produce indecent sounds
Like whining, moaning and slurping
As well as munching, howling, burping.
The way she eats is way too slow,
I often take my food ‘To go’.
But still I love my dear gal,
She is a cute and friendly pal.
