Hard Times Have Come To Us

I don’t know if you’ve heard this yet
But our country’s got a huge debt
Good money that we have to pay
To people ruling far away
Hard times have come to us
There is nothing to discuss

The prices rise high into the sky
The salaries are not so high
Three hundred bucks or even less
Our own economy’s such a mess
Hard times have come to us
Is there anything to discuss?

My savings now began to melt
It’s time to tighten up the belt
I hardly paid for water and heat
Tomorrow there’ll be nothing to eat
Hard times have come to us
Isn’t it something to discuss?

So, tell us, please, dear President
How have the loans you took been spent?
Why do you keep your mouth shut?
Is there another budget cut?
Hard times have come to us
It’s something that we must discuss

I got redundant from my job
The other day my house was robbed
I’m broke and broken, lost all hope
Last money spent on a length of rope
Hard times have come to us
Is it too late to discuss?
