Arsen. Not taken vertices, my grandson, you must c

Igvas Saveliev

"And he thought:
From here we will face a Swede
Here the city will be laid
On evil haughty neighbor.
Nature here we are destined
To cut a window to Europe
Hard to stand by the sea.
Here on the new wave
All flags will be visiting us,
And we will lock in the open. ”
A.S. Pushkin. "Bronze Horseman"

Grandchild on BIRTHDAY
        (March 26, 2006)

Thirteen! Dozen and hook
to you flew very quickly.
And again every new year,
as a goal against a soccer player.

Everyone has the gate of life
goals - that life takes in,
and the football player of course is the one
who enchants life with goals.

And to score a goal,
adorn your destiny with meaning
do you train to conquer
your dream. As football players.

But there is also beauty.
And who does not want to become beautiful?
And the beauty of success in what?
In the hairstyle? In the odds of a hat? ..

Of course it's not for us.
sharing success with a mannequin ...
And the times are long gone,
when "we will threaten" the Swedes.

We will not threaten anyone,
nature in life is destined
we conquer our peaks,
looking at the world through its window.

And all the phenomena of nature,
to be a friend,
not yet taken vertices
my grandson, you must subdue.

Where other thunder, thunderstorm.
To make glare clear,
know the new star is shining
what is meant for you!
Grandson, become great for the Motherland!

And let it burn
your star, filling life
of life
by sense.


Photo: V.M. Vasnetsov. “Warriors” (from left to right: Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich). The identifications of three bogatyrs with historical prototypes are known (the strong monk Elijah Pechersky; voivode Dobrynya; Rostov boyar Popovich, son of a priest). Perhaps, the famous warriors, who somehow struck the imagination of their contemporaries, as the epic developed, broke away from their historical soil and replaced much more ancient mythological heroes. Picture and certificate from Wikipedia - the article "Three heroes." See also: “Warriors (picture by Vasnetsov)”
If we talk about "prototypes", or rather, about the roots of the name, patronymic and surname of my hero, he also has them. The name Semyon, as it turned out, led to Semyon Karamzin, having roots in Nizhny Novgorod, Patronymic Semyon has in honor of the brother of his great-grandfather Vasily - Konstantin Adrianovich Savelyev, who died in 1942 during the landing of the parachute-air assault to the rear of the German army. He was buried in a mass grave at the station of the Rubble of the Zaluchetsky District of the Leningrad Region.

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