The Soul Awakened

The mantras I read on the butterflies’ wings,
The petals’ hued scripture admire,
The ocean Veda in each wave to me sings,
The stars’ gleaming epic awakens the strings
Light-thrilling of my soul-lyre…

I feel everywhere a magic embrace,
Arms tender of Love-Mystery:
I’m carried and taught by this wise Mother-Grace
And flitter and soar in her vast Soul-Space
A butterfly careless and free…

The soul awakened in each object sees
The deeps of the Wisdom divine
And meets in each soul Love's mutual sweet kiss,
The presence, the beat of the One Heart of Bliss
In all, in each breast, yours and mine…

Ritam Melgunov
March 2019

Gardens of Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Pondicherry, India

Photo taken by me in the Maturudyanam garden of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

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