The world is a prison

The emptiness in my soul lingers…
You hurt so much.…
I loved You - I love you perhaps!?!
I appreciated, and I will respect You always!
Want.. your eyes to remember for the ages,
I wish I'd never been sick with a Princess.,
I don't want the fuss to get to you.,
I want you to be happy in life.

Few people care about us.
In many, the envy, the hatred lingers.
Why don't we notice a lot?
Why do we not forgive many?
Why don't we understand a lot?
Why don't we accept a lot?
As it is sometimes painful to remember!

In the soul of raging chaos…
Does not want the flame of passion to fade away!
Why in eyes about this not can say?
Perhaps by writing.. Will be able to take?
Perhaps we are registered by a plot?
Maybe it'll get easier for me with the dawn?
How can I learn to live without you?

Thoughts will carry to the cold shores.
I was ready to fall at your feet.
Let me hug you with my eyes,
And again to keep the hand you!
How to revive all the dreams where YOU are+I!?!
Love you I'm gonna be mad!
Only you believe in miracles,
Without you, this
