Sweets Wrappers

                Вдохновлено моим стихотворением "Фантики"

In sparkly wrappers are the worldly offers:
the lust of flesh and eyes, and the pride,
sweet-smelling like treacle, syrup, toffee,
but how a human soul from them profits,
when Bread of Life is pushed, alas, aside?

How many take, like fish, the shiny bait,
and led from God Almighty astray
to envy, gossip, homes destroyed, hate,
experiencing their fate’s checkmate,
and debts that they can’t, alas, repay?

Horse carriages are gone, Ferrari now
or Lamborghini take their fair place.
Most people to today’s fashions bow.
A corset might raise an eyebrow,
but jeans with holes don’t cause disgrace.
Whatever the consumer hungry buys,
in essence, it’s  the same old plot:
the pride, and the lust of flesh and eyes…
This appetite with the human life dies,
for with the same weapons Satan always fought.

A passion in a vicious circle binds.
The Spirit has no open space for flight.
The swamps of media suck in, perverting minds,-
The Holy Ghost quietly reminds:
without Christ the life is dull and trite.

The date with death is gradually creeping
Oh, life! So precious and short!
How many hearts are not prepared, sleeping?
How many people by the gate of Hell are weeping,
distressed and gnashing teeth, in pain distraught?

Philosophers are lost in their debates,
and mere mortals cannot find the way
for happiness. With steaks on their plates,
the man, collecting stuff, accumulates,
but lo! The Bread of Life is pushed away.

