You are strong

You are strong. Power of a warrior queen.
Of a wildness witch. Of a priestess.
You are you. Greater you know. Wiser you can imagine. Better than ever before.
Realize. What you hav done. Change. Change Everything. What you hav been.
Months, years didn't know your Power. Your worth. Nothing. Especially you.
Now you know. Get your flames on ground.
Get you in Earth. Mother Earth is waiting.
For you. Your magic. Your Fire.
So get it on. Dance. Sing. Your freedom.
Your wisdom. Your Love.
You are something more.
Live it. Love it.
You are Not here to adjust.
You are here to be wild and free.
So come on. Feel it.
The power of the wildwood flower.
It raises again.
The warrior-queen is born.
In the deep of feeling. In the deep of truth.
In the deep of you!

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