daydreaming of Italy

The kind of day that can make it all good
My tiny skirt meets the tops of my boots
The sunshine melts me like fairy floss
Sunglasses on and my face is lost

My world is finally running smooth
I twirl my hair, planning my moves
I’ll wear a scarf that will flow and trail
As I make my way to a waiting train

I will end up somewhere that’s perfect for me
Can’t read the signs, don’t care what they mean
Little twisting streets for my twisted mind
I’ve never let it untwist but I might

I’ll become the person I’ve never been
Live a life like a genius epic scene
Pinch me moments for years and years ahead
The kind of person I’ve been in my head

Alone but not lonely
I’ll drift through life slowly
Sweetly, not bitterly
Daydreaming of Italy

No mention of tensions
Or future intentions
I’ll smile noncommittally
Daydreaming of Italy

иллюстрация: Наталья Табатчикова
