
1 couplet

Remember one thing
My friend,
On Earth, one is warm,
According to the law of logic,
And the meaning of life
And you think
What does not make sense
Live when!
Around one !,
The fire!,
Love !!

2 times Chorus

Love everywhere!,
Where you do not look!
It is different!
And warms fire !,
Oh, how good I am on Earth!
If not for the flame inside us!
And his warmth gives love!
In our world!
Our Mother Earth !,
Where bore!
Us nature !,
Namely, in the world of love !!

2 couplet.

There is no hope,
That all get away with it,
And she let the heat
Like giving up money
But this surrender,
There is no such price
This is what warms
Without end us
Since the birth of us all!
On Earth and in the world of love !!

2 times Chorus.

3 couplet.

Don't cry by the window
Be a man,
And if it's a lady,
But easily hug,
Soothe pleasing the soul,
To heart let me
Which shed tears
A river from the mountain !,
And be by the fire fireplace
At the stones of love !,
In the world of love !!

2 times Chorus.

4 couplet.

You think about half,
And that is all love,
What about your friends
Your family and family
Who have always been
And they will love you,
And forever! Eternal Soul !,
Next to you !,
And give you love!
Forever love! In the eternal world of love !!
Calm down our dear and you are our love!
And love will come for you here!
And will always come to your world of love!
Where is one love !!

3 times Chorus.
