
1 couplet

Once in the east,
In a far away country
Where wars fight,
Ancient warriors of the country
And they fight evil,
His eternal rest,
And the sword is sharper than the blade!
And a knife! If the fly!
Past you!


Ancient calm warrior
And anger does not hold him,
If you join the battle,
That spark of soul,
Like a bullet
I cut you,
In pieces!

After chorus

Not afraid of the wind,
Not thunderstorms, not lava,
War will pass the way
To prevent the country from dying
And the honor of the warriors,
Which store
Eternal rest of the country
And protects the former hero,
Eastern legends !,
Here he is with the sword away!
And stares!
To the enemy from afar !,
To win the battle !,
And save the country!
The great wind of time!
With a sword and a scythe!

2 couplet.

The wind is blowing around,
Field around
It rains endlessly
The storm is dancing,
And people sing,
And dance
And fear of enemies,
Waiting endlessly
To protect
Former wonderland!
And warriors by the power of the wind !,
And the eternal peace of the world and the soul!

2 times Chorus and so on.

3 couplet.

Truth and spirit
Quiet like fluff
Calm at the bottom of the sea,
Breathes as if under water
Eternal world peace
Where sometimes there are no words
And the eternal aria,
And the world of bygone times
Where the winds blow
And the voice of nature,
And the souls of a samurai!
Which stands in the wind away!

2 times Chorus and so on.

4 couplet.

Afraid of him!?,
And if not!,
Then silently fight,
In an honest fight,
On swords and to death
Fighting for earth, life and home,
For the homeland of great heroes,
For the world of samurai,
Great Warriors of the Eastern World!

2 times Chorus and so on.

5 couplet.

Calm my friend
Walk where you walk
But do not disturb the rest,
Eternal rest of the wind
Otherwise, blown away and hit on the spot,
And you don't have time to say anything
Do not have time to let the evil
And the eternal thunder within,
And the task of carrying it,
The necessary covenant and law of the world
Emperors and Gods
Which he keeps and guards!
Samurai! Great fighter of the wind !,
Warrior of the wind in the eternal rest of the field of the Earth!

3 times Chorus and so on.
