Spirit of Slavs

1 couplet

Once in the north,
He lived the people of heaven,
And times have passed,
Quickly, but they are,
And our people are strong,
And mighty and immortal,
Their times of powerful battles
On swords, in armor and chain mail,
Wars of the northern shores!


The spirit of the Slavs and people!
Who fight evil!
Restore order in the woods!
Sing, dance and fight!
And there is no fear in their veins and soul !,
The immortal battle of the kings of heaven!
And Nevsky rode on horseback!

After chorus

Vladimir baptized Russia,
Slavic boys walk,
With all my lads,
And helping everyone around
And they give their good,
And they want peace,
Beauty and keepers
Being, knowledge and nature,
Slavs guardians of light and heaven!

2 after chorus

The spirit of the Slavs is stronger than steel !,
Protect yourself if necessary !,
Great people of warriors,
And true fighters,
From our bros,
And always won!
Our Slavs !,
Mighty warriors from the north !,
And from different places!
There are a lot of us!,
Slavic Wars!
War of light from heaven!

2 couplet.

No one knows us,
Rush, Russia and the USSR
And they were all one,
And the spirit of weapons in the blood,
Will go forward
Overcome fear easily
Do not be angry eagles,
Which for centuries
Flew with us
With the wars of light
In the world of goodness and love,
To Slavic !,
And mighty spirit!

2 times Chorus and so on.

3 couplet.

Merchants and merchants,
Dodgy Conservation,
And the guard is in care,
To leave,
What belongs to them
Varyags of the heavenly chariots,
Come down from heaven
Mighty phoenix
Rejoiced people
From the ash! We can not win!
Our Slavic people!

2 times Chorus and so on.

4 couplet.

I remember the Slavic days
In which the Vikings are us,
Eternally feared
And the pirates swam by
And if impudent,
You can get rebuffed
From the world where she lives,
The great spirit of the people,
Who sleeps in his lair
Do not make the beast angry!
Brash and crossing the borders!
Slavic souls, home and country!

2 times Chorus and so on.

5 couplet.

Smile friends and foes
We are many, namely a million,
And the rock, behind us and the Urals,
The mountain range where we live
And our true
Ancient and slavic spirit
Namely the strength of the whole earth,
What soul, swords, arrows,
And spears chased away,
Great howl and the will of the world
Where do eagles live, and if you
Provoke, then run,
After all, the spirit is one and invincible!
Holy Slavic spirit of the earth !,
Our Slavic spirit! Bypass party !,
And fear us! Our Slavic and fighting spirit of the fraternity!
And we have a million! Slavic warriors of light from heaven!

3 times Chorus and so on.
