Lost City

1 couplet

The world is huge
Everywhere is interesting
But there is one place
Empty place,
Where is the big secret of the world,
Emptiness is one
But the myth goes,
And land legends,
About the ancient country
Which we have not seen!

2 times Chorus

Lost City !,
Past dreams,
Shed tears and shame
Where was peace and tranquility
Until the wave came,
And the ancient world did not wash away
Lost city in centuries,
But there are legends,
So there is!

After chorus

Lost city around !,
Where knowledge and old times
Lost in the sands,
And breathed, and then died,
And disappeared like a ghost
From the world on earth,
Wiped off the face of the earth !,
Lost City of the Gods!
Unseen wonders, enemies,
People and evil things!
At the time of his breathing !,
Until the last breath of the world!
Which is lost in the ages!

2 couplet.

The sands around shine
Like glitter on a raincoat,
Wild lifestyle
As if with needles does not let,
And lets out the darkness of times
Envelops the disease,
From flu to death,
Unknown world,
And the city of bygone days
Which is lost !,
In the eternal sands!

2 times Chorus and so on.

3 couplet.

The mystery of mankind
Hiding in the sands
Where shame and darkness
No trace of legends
May disappeared legend
Dissolve anyone
Unseen, unsolved,
The Lost Ancient World !,
Urban Legends !,
In the eternal sands !,
And written in books!
The legendary city of gods!

3 times Chorus and so on.
