Without You by Mariah Carey

No I can't forget this evening
or your face as you were leaving
but I guess that's just the way the story goes
you always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
yes it shows

No I can't forget tomorrow
when I think of all my sorrow
when I had you there but then I let you go
and now it's only fair that I should let you know
what you should know

I can't live
if living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
I can't live
if living is without you
I can't give
I can't give anymore

Well I can't forget this evening
nor your face as you were leaving
but I guess that's just the way the story goes
you always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
yes it shows

I can't live
if living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
I can't live
if living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
(No I cant live)
(No I cant live)
I cant live
(No I cant live)
(No I cant live)
If living is without you
i cant live without you

Не забыть никак тот вечер
Ты старался быть беспечным
Но в словах твоих сквозила
Мысль - "Мне жаль"...
Ты улыбался, но в глазах
Скрывался страх. Страх и печаль...

А со мной что завтра будет?
Плен тяжёлых скучных буден
Я с тобой была в раю
Но рай пропал
И я хочу, чтоб слышал ты
Чтоб ты узнал...
И размышлял...

Как жить? Когда тебя нет рядом?
Как жить? Среди всей этой лжи...
Как жить!? Ведь ты один - отрада!
Как жить!? Прошу, подскажи...
Повтор 1го куплета.


