Ni hao... Dalian!

 Dalian Dalian

Small diamond in the east

Dalian Dalian

Quiet corner of the earth

East edge of riddles and fairy tales

edge of music and beautiful dances

East vital wisdom edge

you beauty don't change !

Dalian Dalian

Dalian Dalian

Small diamond in the east

Dalian Dalian

Dalian Dalian

Quiet corner of the earth


Of course I will go to a Shaolin

to study there,YAN , and ,YIN,

on a kimono I change  smok

and I will be wise as the monk !

And then again to Dalian

to understand that YIN and YAN...

Dalian Dalian

Dalian Dalian

Small diamond in the east

Dalian Dalian

Dalian Dalian

Quiet corner of the earth

I learn that such the ,, xi;xie,,

and what means a ,, xihuan,,

that on Chinese to write letters

,,Ni hao,, Dalian...!!! ,,Ni hao,, Dalian...!!!
