
Black, red and white.
Your aim is freedom,
 Your gift is light.
My name is Daisy
You making me crazy.

Bike, leather jacket and rock.
You like to be risky…
Black hear with cuban cigar smoke.
You like fast  car driving,
You like  to drink  whiski.

Your main card is POKER.
Mine card is LOVE.
You made me crazy.
I am your Daisy.

Business jacket , black Rolls Royce,
Swedish gold watch from Cartier.
You love collect exclusive toys.
You  great  initiator  life interior .
You making me crazy.
I am your Daisy.

You scan people thoughts.
Your goals on advertisement  spots.
You  great motivator.
You feel different styles and speed.
You fantastic desire creator.
You know how to take what you need.
You made her crazy.
You invite in your live Daisy.

You are fantastic dancer.
You like making  jokes and to laugh.
You are strong business player  freelancer.
You know when to say: “ Enough!”
You making her crazy.
She is  your Daisy.

You like horse driving , play polo and golf.
You like to  swim , your home - all world.
Your actions - like fire,
 Your words  - like the breath.
Your moto – to  have real feeling and power.
To be everywhere the best.
You found your diamond – lady Daisy.
She still making you very crazy.

TAT   18.06.2015 (23:15)
