20 ingl. some reasons of a guitar касаемые, stated

.. In due time, when I did(made) to a FLOOR ACOUSTIC guitars, about what it is possible to esteem in a folder _ ПОЛУАКУСТИКА_2015, where I "decided"("solved") many tasks. Most simple what to make a guitar - it is necessary to choose МЕНЗУРУ, that is WORKING LENGTH of a STRING. Here perhaps, most simple question. Мензура now at 6 string guitars 650 mm can change from 610 -. That depends in what degrees on age of the guitar player: the schoolboy or adult musician, and as a consequence, the difference in distance 1 - 3 лад can change on 10 mm
Exacter data I have received just, having read some books on this subject. They are well downloaded:
1. Н.А. Mosquitoes –Хе, то есть КОМАРОВ! and Федюнин С.Н - MANUFACTURING And REPAIR ЩИПКОВЫХ ‘ string’ MUSICAL НСТРУМЕНТОВ. "Щипковые --string" - and is still " Духовые or Язычковые - от слова Дуть и Колеблющаяся пластинка_From a word To blow and Varying plate ": that is pipe, and гармошки, баяны. Щипковые__--string", that is having Strings, and звукоизвлечение is made щипком_touch a fingers , or impact on strings. In the just mentioned book щипковые_ string" tools and figures them are submitted: бандура, кобза, гусли, that the variants have on district: кюсле, крезь, кантеле, кокле, конклес, саз, тар, and Georgian – чонгури –an names folks  string instruments. That download, прочитайцте_read it!! Even will imagine the form and quantity(amount) of strings, and тональность, that is in WHAT NOTE BUILD STRINGS of THESE TOOLS. In same book, in the end the technology and manufacturing MANUALLY is given shortly. Is shown as in home conditions to stick together Бабалайку_big mandolina vith 3 string, Guitar. To me to a floor acoustics should be be be "to thought "out" and make a guitar three, four such models itself. To play on last model, that I have named "Танаис" it is possible and without УНЧ_amplier!. " That I there have thought up, it " многослойные – have 3, 5 of a layer of plywood" decks, that is stuck together from 3 - 4 layers of 10 mm of plywood lateral walls. And then I had to accept from different reasons: the basic sizes of the case - length, width овалов and thickness of the case. Last parameter - height of the case or thickness I have finished up to 40 - 50 mm, as now and it is accepted in гитаростроении_building guitars, but! I where that had figure to a floor of acoustics of the mark Гибсон_Gibson. As a matter of fact, on the SIZES of the tool it ПОЛОВИННАЯ = ; , such as ours Шиховской_ a village from Shihovo _ of a guitar, on which have put from above звукосниматель- Сингл_pickup. At manufacturing the tool, we shall stop on a guitar, to acoustics or электро still decide(solve) about ten problems, and knowing their SIZES will receive and decently sounding tool!
I shall list: the case has Height, Diameter bottom and top овалов and Thickness of the case. Besides it is necessary to decide(solve) Where, and what Diameter, or If it Эфы_ Twisting. As in a violin of an aperture in a deck_ to cut out them in the top deck. It is necessary to know on what System to arrange inside cases: all рейки, in THIS OR THAT place of the top deck or дна_botton _low deck. If it even a guitar a board, that has no ПОЛОГО_solid body guitar_ of the case as a matter of fact, it is necessary to know, that from 8 - figurative case " have snipped off pieces of a tree! ". It will be possible beautifully, but in a basis of the guitar case, look on the guitar - on Срез_ high Top Овала of the case comes from 12 up to 14 лада_fret! Depends also on it, where there will be all system рип, распорок _ Plates glue to decks or дну button of guitars. As in a violin of an aperture in a deck.wisting. As in a violin of an aperture in a deck.and springs, and it is necessary to know, that all that is inside a guitar executes the same function, that ten radiodetails, that change and adjust a timbre in УНЧ__amplier!.
 In an acoustic guitar that that needs to be changed: or to make changes at REPAIR, or TO STICK TOGETHER the new case.
