Oh, Grim Death

The voice whispers to my ears,
It’s time for my head to rest,
The ripper stands before my door,
Spare me, oh, Death!

Let me stay alive for one more year,
I’m not ready to die,
So many deeds I still have on Earth,
Oh, Death, give me another try.

Show your mercy, I want to live,
It’s too early to say goodbye,
Oh, Death, it’s so good to feel alive,
Sense wind on the skin and see the sky.
Oh, Death, let me live, not die.

Pain and suffering is here for you,
It’s time for your soul to rest,
Your body is weary; your heart has tired,
It’s time of peace for your head.

Don’t ask me for mercy,
Don’t pray. Don’t cry.
The time has come in order to die.
It’s time to die…

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