Easy come...

Easy come and easy go
Everything you should know,
Every tear that have to pay,
Every sound in your brain.
Little step and little word
Means much more
That you explore
Can imagine in your life
Something more and even high
Can you look inside yourself
In the deepest, darkest grave?
Can you see the real matter
Between the shit
Between things better?
Dig deeply than the others can
Can you distinguish
Who I’am?
Can you awake from foolish dream
From cool iphone and protein?
One for nice chicks
One for the men
Who are believed – they’re SuperMen!
These words come easy in my mind
I want to share with you
Its’s fine!
No fun I sad,
No joke I told,
I hope you see
About I talk.
And easy come
And easy go
Remember it
Take to your Soul…
