Дебют Смирнова

Мне приснилось, что я – мэр Лондона
и должен, как это принято, сделать первый ход
в матче между Карлсеном и Каруаной.
Карлсен шепчет мне, улыбаясь: «е2 – е4!»
Но я чувствую себя очень странно.
Покачав головой, хожу ладейной пешкой,
h2 – h4, и жму на кнопку часов.
Все в изумлении. Я тоже.
Растерянно гляжу на собравшихся.
Потом опускаю голову
и бормочу: «Во всем виноват Smirnoff».


     Surprisingly, before executing the first move he toppled over of Caruana's king, in what some observers initially regarded as a clumsy accident, but which in fact, upon closer inspection, was clearly deliberate.
     After the game, I asked Harrelson about the incident and he was quite candid about having planned it in advance as "a joke".
     "I thought it would be funny if I accidentally knocked over the king, but then it turned out the joke's on me when I played d4," Harrelson explained, referring to the fact that he Caruana had whispered for him to advance e4, but was misheard. The move was retracted and 1.e4 played instead.
