The Fall

Grey clouds spit the rain out.
It falls, but does not break. Survives.
In Fall, we get that it’s about:
a new start or remake. Surprise!

It’s not about the depression, right?
It’s not about the cold.
It is about a fashion night:
a warm coat by default.

The models show new collections.
Designers praying for success.
In Fall, don’t try to reach perfection.
In other seasons, too, nevertheless.

The sun above the rainy shield
still shines for everyone. A flash!
We do not rush, adhere to “yield,”
somehow reduce the ton… (Hi, Dory Dash! *)

The ton of problems from summer’s heat
resolved on count to three.
And as a bonus - The Thanksgiving:
the turkey, you, and me.


*Dory Dash – an annual festival / fundraiser in the town of N.
