Ode to your favorite University

In the anniversary decoration of my UNIVERSITY ,
For the history a short term.
I love you in the heat and cold ,
I got attached to you soul.
Yes, and could it be otherwise;
I live here, I work here.
You mean so much to me.,
I'm proud of my University!
I love to selflessly on Leningradsky Prospekt to meet the dawn,
under the magic bird singing-to think and dream.
But it was a different time. ,
In the forty - first terrible year ,
When fierce fascists tribe in his father's house brought trouble,
The protection of native territory became close to the young and old alike,
The bullets were fear of not knowing ,
Could not resist the adversary.
Holy remember the feat of soldiers ,
Not to forget the terrible war days .
And flowers on the graves of fraternal-a tribute to the rescued people .
Every year my UNIVERSITY-you are more beautiful ,
Applicants, students, and us .
You are our Home and Hope ,
The embodiment of a bright dream .
Happy anniversary my favorite UNIVERSITY ,
The UNIVERSITY of the Sun ,of dreams and of love !
Whether you're always the soul of a young
Flourish Yves happiness live !

For 100 years to the Financial University under the Government of Shamil
