Poem writing guide

To write a poem, don’t be shy.
You plainly have to find a rhyme,
Then pick the words which cross your mind
And put them correctly in line.

How easy it to learn this skill?
I say, “You want to learn – you will”.
It means, it all depends on you
And your request for something new.

What are the problems people have
When learning this skill by themselves?
Well, I can say, it’s hard too much
To memorize what amphibrach,

Anapest, dactyl, iamb are,
And how to use them in your art.
In order to make verses right,
It’s good to use apps and websites,

Which help you find word’s synonym
For making strophe in a good trim.
And learning new words every day
Will make you better anyway.

This information should help you
Remember what you need to do,
If you’ll want poem to create.
So do your best. It would be great.
