56 инглишь. the application 7. simple guitar accom

1. I ASSORT the LETTERS..... Am_E7............... The first variant
Манускрипты__he annals of left epoch.............. Am_Dm_E7_Am_
 Шелестят__rustle, as fallen листья_a lists  trees ........... Am_Dm_C
 On a deserted autumn road.,, Am_Dm_G7_C
  2. These letters addressed to me.... D7_A_..... Second вариант_ FINAL?.
 These people with me spoke.............................. A_D7
 And then on corners have run up,
 And about the letters absolutely позабыли –not understand_.
3. That поделаешь_doing , became not fashionable
 To inform a trouble or happiness.
 The postmen, as before, pass,
 And we look at them is indifferent.
4. To us do not write, and we shall not answer.
 Such настала - has come epoch!
 And you see wrote earlier: " With приветом _Good bay! -
 Саша, Галя, Hope, Серёга... it is names people"
Here I have shown, on First and Second куплетах_block of poems_ Two variants of execution(performance). Actually - the selection of accompaniment does not mean, that that is selected with what Wound set from chords and notes! Not! Main - it is necessary to achieve, that the melody would easily be combined with words!And it not always goes smoothly!The reasons it.
About them - all there Ямбах, Хореях both Анапестах, and Гекзаметрах__the poetic sizes, that have thought up ancient бреки in ихней __in_ Ancient Бреции, in them to not understand in earnest any poet - fan(amateur). I have remembered, almost from the first class a phrase from " Евгений Онегин ":
1. You can be the efficient man, but think about красе ногтей__beautiful fingers, and..
2. Not мого it(he) Ямба from Хорея__ the poetic sizes, as we were beaten to distinguish! Пушкин knew - чо wrote!!. And - We write verses instinctively, to mood and sometimes and so we confuse!!
I write, verses! With left, whether right hand! I shall write about that! About сем_this, and it is a little - about the friend.. About a herb, yes мураве_ Herb, yes about the cat on крыльце_balcone_veranda , И Пете, and about Мане - the names anybody we shall not deceive!
Well, and Ямбом аль Хореем? It who, and as will manage! You the story - finish, and head shake! And in detail tell, постарайси_do it!, удружи_do it!, As chords selected, is loud ль, whether silently played.....
P/s. Here typical selection of chords, but second variant will be most likely Final, as the song sounds More expressively, well both the guitar players and at me have typical sets of the notes and chords, and some Cunnings, about what I shall tell. What practically instantly to pick up a melody!
First of all, it needs time, sets of musical subjects or chords and notes, and Intuition.
Reading a poem not at once will understand that, as a matter of fact, it can be sung on motive Частушки. It is easy for defining(determining), when on a poem, and озорству_a joke_ you decide(solve):
- ба! Yes it частушка_a song joke_. But sometimes on the same Rhythm and the Size is written lyrical or on the contrary: such as романсового_poem too_ of a poem. In this number there are verses, as confirm last.
P/s 2. This set, ччто_what for first куплета a song_I name " Grape зернышко__ a bush " on a song autor_Окуджавы, that sounded constantly in 60 - 70 at all governmental concerts. A set:
Am_Dm G7_C_Am_Dm_E7_Am here sequence as a matter of fact Is turned and at first there is Second часть_variant__Am_Dm_E7_Am, but NOT COMPLETELY, and with некотроыми_some_ by changes. The second sequence – FINAL VAEIANT, as a rule I ИСЪХОДНЫЙ_ valid OR FIRST accompaniment do not change it a SET of CHORDS, THAT GOES ON !! !!! 2, 3 ладах_frets, and it almost completely repetition of accompaniment WHEN  I SHALL BECOME ПРЕСТАРЕЛОЙ_old_old_ LADY. That in this number is. NOW About SUBTLETIES of ACCOMPANIMENT: about loudness of parts of accompaniment, and other variants in the following page.
