Dead Souls

1 verse.
Sometimes they leave,
People from the world,
The soul yearns,
What darkens the soul,
And you die, but in the shower,
It makes no sense!!,
How bad !!!,
Now in that world !!,
Emptiness !!

2 times Chorus

Souls !!,
Have gone !!,
And they will not return,
After all, Death,
I carried them away !!!,
Dead Souls!!,
Peace !,
Who are gone !!,
And do not come back !!, Never !!,

Dead Souls!!

2 verse.
You stand,
You're crying,
And you do not know,
What is there,
At the bottom live,
Souls are there,
Where the darkness walks,
Because of evil !,
We are dead !!

2 times Chorus.

3 verse.
When you stand at the hole,
On the edge of life,
Where dead,
People and people,
For the whole century,
And it will not come any more,
Will not save,
Do not hug,
You never !!

2 times Chorus

The cemetery is full,
Dead souls,
People yearn,
On Earth,
For life,
Where there was love,
And shoes,
Like a warm life,
There behind,
Not forgotten,

2 times Chorus.

5 verse.
I would like to,
Remember those,
Who has left,
But we know,
We will not find,
We will not see,
Our loved ones,
And the heroes that died,
And they left,
And in the distance,
The stars of the departed,
Time, where they are buried,
They are stored,
Dead Souls,
People of the ages !!

2 times Chorus.

6 verse.
They are stored,
I remember,
Suffer there great,
Souls of times,
What have left the world,
They are dead,
But they always rest,
There dead souls !,
What is suffering, where,
We do not know, but they,
Alive, because,

4 times Chorus.
