
We know many bridges in the world
And some are hundreds years old,
And modern ones that huge and great,
Like the Crimean bridge across a strait.

Ships also have a lofty bridge that is
A station for a captain whereon he sees
All things round the ship on every side;
He has assistants changing him at night.

The offices of fire brigades have
Such bridges for controlling fire rave
The men on duty for full safety sake
Should be quite vigilant, and wide-awake.

The Spirit realm has bridges of its own
Made not of wood, concrete or stone.
They’re made of such a substance subtle
That let high energy along them shuttle.

We build a Spirit bridge by our thought
If it is worthy of the higher plot,
Free from impurity and selfish bonds
Which worldly men can hardly go beyond.

We must be on the duty all day through
On such a bridge; that’s why we need a crew
Of devotees to Ancient Wisdom Laws,
Possessing knowledge of the Primal Cause.
