I Welcome Time

With open arms I meet time benefaction –
It comes from above in an endless succession …
From very first breaths, from first steps and first cries
Of precious small children with brilliant eyes,
From bright smiles - to sighs and to ultimate sobs,
From egregious errors to out of true orbs,
From christening gifts - to the funeral mourn
One travels for parting from time he was born.
I’m gifted the time as an intimate crony,   
It is a good tutor still is rather thorny:
On having fed life with soul feels beyond measure
It takes away drives to the paradise pleasure, -
A blind naughty boy with some venomous arrows, -
Your soul like a saint either raises or harrows.

It comes as a young boy or as a fine maiden
And goes away with distress and pains laden,
With wrinkles on the hands and the soul drawn tight;
Dawn rays and day smiles it is draining at night.   
It treats and it maims - it’s a brat and a doctor,
Designer of souls yet a brutal destructor. 

The time whirls the life for all people to provide
The stars of bright finds to bring essence to light    
With delicate matters and heaven’s confession,
Life knowledge, a saintly recuperation,
A shadowy word, evil eye, the environment,
A love ring - like leprosy or as a diamond.

I welcome the world while embracing the time;
I grasp its great haste, bear a burden of mine,
Drink its bitter fluids and taste joy of life,   
Kiss air of the heavens with eyes, ever strive
To pick Eden flowers…  There is no doubt
The bottom of life everyone will find out.

(Переводчик В.В.Чистяков)

Марина, мне особенно близко по духу это Ваше стихотворение. В нём выражена противоречивость, двойственность времени, его субъективность - как результат непосредственного обнаружения именно в человеческом бытии. С благодарностью. Николай.

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