
When I was little I thought darkness was scary
I used to imagine creatures under my bed
I used to believe that if I sticked my toe out
By the time morning comes I’ll be dead
But nothing like that has happened yet

When I turned eleven or so my fears altered
And selfish ones were replaced by a brand new dread
I suddenly started to think my mom went missing
Every minute she spent outside was a threat
But I learned it’s exhausting to fret

It was my 18 when death I encountered
By my grandfather’s coffin many tears I shed
And I wouldn’t be lying if I said I was trying
To do anything else except being sad
I succeeded and got frightened instead

Now that I'm twenty I discovered a trouble
Being afraid was okay all along
But I should never look for monsters around me
Inside my head is where they all belong
Having them is okay, letting them reign is wrong
