The reason of misunderstanding

So the cause of misunderstanding has come to light!
I sing in my soul - and you hear "I sing aloud."
You do not like icons as "the appearance of alms",
You are broken by money pawn that's beating Moscow.

I sang not you, but I sang Verdi, Don Carlos's song.
But you - note - are arious also in your far distance.
And not tricky-wise - but pure clear - there is a call.
However, I don't mind, if someone doesn't grasp and see it .

I will not explain - that is too long. And no reward
Or respect will come from you, many miles between us.
But inside - in answer - in height - my singing is heard.
In this happiness of a pure fool -  i.e. genius.

You waited for me - it's a fact, it's the fact that's solved.
We converged with you, but we will not take off our panties.
For our ecstasy - ever - is virtual as it goes,
And the sound comes up not aloud - but note - inside us!
