Liliputin -1530

The summit in Helsinki was not just about Trump bowing to Putin, but about getting laid ... "
Bill O'Reilly

Liliputins. What the hell is it ?

Published on Apr 7, 2009

O'Reilly Factor: Obama Bows to Saudi King Abdullah but didn't bow to the Queen of England 

Published on Apr 7, 2009

well, they broke normal protocol with the Queen so many times a bow would have been no biggie to her.

get laid    
To get fucked.

Jason: Dude I got laid last night
Bob: Awesome! Was she any good?
Jason: Naw I pretty much had to do it all myself

by Anonymous August 19, 2003

get laid

the first thing an egg does

"How do you expect me to get hard so fast?" the egg asked the boiling water. "I just got laid a minute ago."
